These 3 Sites Just Changed How Online Dating and Relationships Work, and Here's Why

The trend is obvious: more and more people are looking for more like-minded people to be a part of -- more than just signing up for any kind of social network, which includes everyone. Nothing against Facebook, LinkedIn, and other networks.... But when the network's a million strong, and you just want to connect with someone as strongly passionate about whatever you're passionate about, and ignore the rest of the nonsense on your feed, chances are good you're opting for something a little more niche, wouldn't you say?

The Fact Is People Are Unique These Days -- We're Pretty Much Grouped Into "Niches"

You're Christian. You're gay. You're BBW. And you're proud. It used to be that dating was about going through a deck of cards just to find that one ace. Now dating's going through a deck of aces and finding the ONE ace with your "name on it."

We're going to be honest here -- that's a tall order given that no deck of cards operates like that! So needless to say dating these days, especially online, is about as easy as trying to hit a bull's eye with a banana. Tricky.

The good news is this -- there are offers and networks out there catering to the specific group you belong to, making it that much easier finding a match. Sure, eHarmony knows how to match you personality-wise -- but that's all for naught if you're not even matched with someone who's gay like you, or Catholic like you, or an atheist like you.

Call me crazy, but I dare anyone to deny that those are major deal-breakers when it comes to dating. Before you even make the call to a prospect, you want to know if that person is as like-minded as you are, not just based on character -- but lifestyle.

Hence Why We Have the Single Social Network

A "Facebook," but for singles. The best part about this network is the fact that it's not an actual dating site! It's a community. A place where you can build your own dating circle, couples you can hang with, do mixers with, and all other sorts of networking associated with the single lifestyle.

Now understand this: the users on this site aren't meant to be "swingers" (although there's no rule in the network that says you can't do that). But the focus is all about meeting new people, making friends of significant others, befriending other couples, dating, and fostering healthy relationships.

Just a little something you don't get from the's and eHarmonies of our world -- where it's all about the swipe, the prospecting of a potential candidate. After all, dating isn't like job hunting or job interviewing! You don't need a "resume" to fall in love.

Many Think Christians Hate the Idea of Dating -- This Network Says Otherwise

It's called the Christian Cafe, a network for dating only Christians! The beauty of this is that it highlights the importance of faith in a relationship, which it really doesn't matter what religion you are: you can't deny that faith in a relationship is important.

A Catholic might have some trouble connecting with a Lutheran, for example. Or even an atheist. There will be a disconnect. Plain and simple. Even if you are an atheist, professing that you don't believe in any religion. The fact is you do. Your religion is that there is no religion at all.

If you're in a relationship, you want that other person to align with your beliefs. Historical data simply shows that even marriages have a better chance of success if both partners are of the same faith. Most of the time if one partner differs, either one ends up converting -- or the two butt heads so much that the relationship crashes and burns.

This is, more importantly, about Christians out there who want to make sure their options are of the same faith they're so passionate about. And the good news is this: we can only expect other religions to have their own networks maybe some day. Love shouldn't discriminate.

And Then There's the Hottest Topic in Today's Society: LGBT

Which brings us to Superbia, the only real LGBT social network out there where you can not only meet other like-minded people (generally homosexual, or heterosexuals supporting homosexuality) not only for the purposes of nurturing those same healthy relationships, but nurturing the same feeling of safety, community, encouragement, and support that always is sorely lacking with this demographic.

The fact is the LGBT community face plenty of scrutiny -- gay bashing still exists, unfortunately. But Superbia exists to be that sanctuary all thrive to lay claim and be a part of as a way to not only have pride at a parade, but in their everyday life -- either online or reality.

Ultimately This Means That Dating Really Isn't About Just "Meeting People" and Moving Forward Into a Relationship Anymore

It's about being together. As a group. Supporting one another. And letting everyone in your circles know that you're a part of a very big family.

Call me crazy, but with the unfortunate stigma already stamped on the whole idea of online dating -- too impersonal, artificial, fake, pointless, time-consuming, and frustrating -- seeing these sites make their way is a welcome change to how social networks and the World Wide Web relate to us in our relationships.

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