Top 3 Cryptocurrency Secrets That Will Supercharge Your Bitcoin Investments

Crypto investments are slowly becoming the rage in a vertical ripe with volatility -- you'll either win big or lose huge. While that's enormously appealing, but also very scary, Bitcoin tends to multiply that by 100 to 1000, and many investors get terrified to pull the trigger....

However.... There Are Some Secrets to Coming Out Big in Bitcoin -- and Other Cryptocurrency for That Matter!

You just need to keep in mind these three tried-and-true secrets, maximizing your chances on being in the WIN BIG category (not the LOSE HUGE):   

The First Secret: Know the Difference Between an Investor and a Trader

Firstly, dislocate yourself from the emotion on how this is so hyped and will revolutionize the world, uncorrupting governments and taking an entire global financial system from the ground up just to break it apart.

In short, cryptocurrency is no different than gold bars. You purchase them. You hold onto them. You sell them. End of story. There's nothing fantastic about them except on knowing the right way to either invest in them -- or trade them. Or, better yet.... BOTH.

Mainly the difference between the two is TIME. That's all it is. Investors will buy and hold stock for a prolonged period as the value matures, then pull out the dividends for an increase in profit. Trading works a bit faster by comparison -- you buy something on the low-value end, then you sell it high immediately.

The important thing to know is that cryptocurrency operates a lot like the latter: you're simply a trader. There aren't any dividend coupons or anything, which is why with crypto you're most likely trading and not investing; however, that doesn't mean you can't invest in the long-term with crypto as long as you're focused on the BIG 3:


You, however, could also trade in short spurts with some of the "altcoins," like Ripple, Monero, or Dashcoin. But just remember this important fact: there's no hidden formula, just options. Diversify.

Focus on a specific system, which includes the entire crypto-gamut. No putting all your eggs in one basket, or all your chickens in one coup. If you think you can label yourself as a trader, think again; if you're more like an investor, you're wrong.

Be a clever, cunning, quick, and complex combination of both. In order to do that, you absolutely need to know the difference between the two. AND you'll need this as well.

The Second Secret: Why Are You Investing in That Bitcoin (or Ethereum, or Monero, or Litecoin, Etc. Etc.)?

Ask yourself that question. Don't be fooled at an easy answer either: (the obvious being you just want to MAKE MONEY). Good reasons for investing in crypto go far above and beyond the idea that you just want to make a profit.

In short, there has to be a real, deep, personal reason for investing in any cryptocurrency beyond the obvious "trend" and explosive climb in value.

Don't follow the "herd."

Instead, you make what's called an EV (Expected Value) CALCULATION, assigning a value to Ethereum, which would be hypothetically sitting at a $2 price. Now if you were to do the research and really dig as to WHY you're going (or not) with the Ether investment, you might find out that an upcoming planned fork of the coin would make it worth at least $10 down the road.... However, you also know that there's only a 50% chance of miners going for that fork.

You could get scared. Or you could get analytical: do the math:

Outcome #1: That 50% Chance X $10 = $5

Outcome #2: The Other 50% X $1 = 50 Cents

Simply add the values, divide by the number of outcomes, and this is what you get: $2.75.

It simply means that for every $2 in Ethereum you purchase, you'll make an average profit of $2.75. Based on the numbers, that's not a loss; that's a gain.

You wouldn't have considered that given the obvious variable risk, thinking that this is just about making some profit. You have to ask yourself: how much profit (or not)? How much risk? In order to do that, you have to crunch the numbers.

Now understand that this is all just probability: there won't be any hardcore gaurantee. You might face unforeseen variables that'll account for more profit (or more loss). But the key to making that money is a law of averages, and not the basic drive or desire to play the game head-on.

Simply put: be a mathematician (to some degree!) and not a gambler by signing up for this right now.

And the Final Secret: Be a REALISTIC and Even a ROBOTIC Mathematician

I don't care what kind of "stories" you get about how Bitcoin will double, triple, or quadruple your money. The basic rule is this: math always wins. Hands down. Never buy into a story about how Bitcoin just might go from $17K to $1.7B all because back in the day Bitcoin went from 17 cents to $17K. Probability is one thing; a certainty is where you want to be. Be realistic and realize that the math has to make sense.

Don't get too excited. Focus on statistics. If the numbers don't add up, don't go for it. If you think the numbers might add up.... do NOT go for it. If the numbers do add up to a profit -- even just slightly -- GO FOR IT. It's as simple as that.

The Good News Is That This System You'll See Below Focuses on THE Algorithm Designed to Remove All Emotion, All Probability -- and to Just Focus on the Numbers

You wouldn't even be able to break or dissect this system. No joke. After all, this is the blockchain we're talking about. It's all about the numbers, the analytics, the patterns, and recognizing that the timing makes a huge difference. You see, back in the day, trying to forecast the investment atmosphere really was like gambling. Because that atmosphere operated in more of a framework governed by human hearts and minds.

But cryptocurrency? The blockchain? You're looking at a system governed by statistics. Numbers. FACTS.

I can't be more serious about this:



That's all that should matter to you. Not the big win against high risk in cryptocurrency. But the sure thing.

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